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STATEMENT: Mayor MacDonald Responds to Leamington and Kingsville Remaining in Stage 1

Posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 04:15 PM

"Today, the province announced that parts of Windsor-Essex would advance to Stage 2 in their reopening plan. Unfortunately, Leamington and Kingsville remain in Stage 1 of the plan.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. However, as case counts continue to rise due to outbreaks among workplaces in the agri-food sector, I understand why the decision was made.

Daily, local mobile teams comprised of staff from local hospitals, Ontario Health West Region, Erie St. Clair Local Health...


Council Matters - June 22, 2020

Posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:00 AM

Leamington Council met electronically on June 22, 2020 for a Special Council meeting to consider matters under the Planning Act, Council:

  • ZBA No. 208 and Consent Application B-02-20: Granted provisional approval of Consent Application B-02-20 to create a surplus dwelling lot located at 1006 Mersea Road 5 subject to conditions. Council approved Zoning By-law Amendment Application #208 to change the zoning of the severed lot at 1006 Mersea Road 5 from Agricultural General Zone to site-specific...


STATEMENT: Mayor MacDonald Responds to Windsor-Essex Remaining in Stage 1

Posted on Monday, June 22, 2020 04:00 PM

"Today, the province announced that Windsor-Essex would not advance to Stage 2 in their reopening plan. Although this is not the decision we had hoped for, it was to be expected, as the case counts across the region remain high, specifically due to outbreaks among workplaces in the agriculture sector.

For the past three months, we have been working tirelessly in collaboration with the province, multiple organizations, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and community leaders to increase...


Council Considers - June 22, 2020

Posted on Friday, June 19, 2020 09:00 AM

A Special Council meeting to consider matters under the Planning Act will be held on June 22, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be held in a virtual forum through electronic participation only. There will not be an in-person meeting. Those wishing to speak to an application are required to register with the Municipality by June 18, 2020 at noon. The following reports will be considered:

  • ZBA No. 208 and Consent Application B-02-20: To consider provisional approval of Consent Application...


Why Leamington is Selling Naming Rights

Posted on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 03:30 PM

You may have noticed some recent announcements wherein the Municipality has collaborated with local companies to rename some of Leamington’s municipal facilities. The Municipality has engaged an agency to provide sponsorship, naming rights and advertising services for various municipal facilities for the purpose of reducing the impact on taxpayers.

What are naming rights?

Naming rights are a financial transaction and form of advertising whereby a corporation or other entity purchases the right to...