Notice of Passing for ZBA #197 and Notice of Adoption of OPA #6
Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 04:15 PM
At the public meeting on October 22, 2019 Council approved By-law 59-19 adopting Official Plan Amendment No. 6 (OPA No. 6) to change the land use designation of property at 9 and 13 Foundry Street from Residential to Highway 77 Corridor Commercial District.
At the same public meeting, Council approved By-law 60-19 to change the zoning of lands at 9 and 13 Foundry Street, 4 and 6 Ivan Street and 108 Erie Street to C1-5 to allow the existing auto sales and service establishment (Leamington GMC...
Notice of Passing By-law 57-19 for 40 Camelot Avenue
Posted on Monday, October 28, 2019 04:30 PM
Council approved By-law No. 57-19 to change the zoning of the property at 40 Camelot Avenue from R1 to R3-22 which re-established the permitted uses, including multi-residential dwellings. There are no changes proposed to the site at this time and the amendment is considered housekeeping in nature.
AttachmentsCouncil Matters - October 22, 2019
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 11:30 AM
At the Council meeting held on October 22, 2019, Council:
- A Court of Revision was held with regard to improvements to the Lower Portion of the Judson A. Morse Drain and improvements to the Upper Part of the McCracken Drain. The Schedules of Assessment were confirmed.
- A Public Meeting under the Drainage Act to consider the Engineer’s Report regarding the Debergh Drain Realignment. The report was sent back to the engineer for amendment.
- A Public Meeting under the Planning Act was held to consider...
Council Considers - October 22, 2019
Posted on Friday, October 18, 2019 11:30 AM
Council will consider the following reports and matters at its upcoming Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2019:
- A Court of Revision regarding improvements to the Lower Portion of the Judson A. Morse Drain and improvements to the Upper Part of the McCracken Drain.
- A Public Meeting under the Drainage Act to consider the Engineer’s Report regarding the Debergh Drain Realignment.
- A Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider Official Plan Amendment Application and Zoning By-law...
Council Matters - October 8, 2019
Posted on Wednesday, October 09, 2019 01:45 PM
At the Council meeting held on October 8, 2019, Council:
- The Committee of Revision dismissed the objections from property owners regarding the Pelee Bevel Sanitary Sewer Collection Project. The Committee of Revision also recommended that Council consider a 10 year amortization period at an interest rate of 4.23% or a 15 year amortization period at an interest rate of 4.39% for property owners to pay for the charges of the project.
- Held a public meeting and approved the Engineer’s report and...