Notice of Public Meeting - Official Plan and Zoning by-law Amendment and Consent - 427 Mersea Road 6
Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2016 10:30 AM
The owner of 427 Mersea Road 6 has submitted the necessary applications to create a separate lot for the existing house. Those lands will be rezoned from A1 Agricultural General Zone to A5 Agricultural Residential Zone.
Attachments- Notice of Public Meeting - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment and Consent - 427 Mersea Road 6
Public Meeting - Zoning By-law Amendment - Corner of Georgia Avenue and Sherk Street
Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 10:45 AM
A Public Meeting is to be held Monday, October 17, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building concerning a proposed zoning by-law amendment to change the zoning on vacant land located on the south east corner of Georgia Avenue and Sherk Street from Residential (R1) Zone to a site specific Residential (R3) Zone to permit the construction of a 5 unit single storey residential dwelling.
AttachmentsNotice of Passing - Zoning By-law Amendment - 1502 Mersea Road 2
Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 09:45 AM
The owner of the residential lot at 1502 Mersea road 2 has severed the eastern portion of the property, currently used for growing asparagus, to be added to the abutting vacant farmland to the south. This parcel of land is being rezoned from A5 to A1 to allow agricultural uses and to ensure that it becomes part of the area of the abutting farm.
AttachmentsNotice of Project Commencement – Pelee Bevel Sanitary Sewer System
Posted on Monday, August 29, 2016 03:00 PM
The Municipality of Leamington has commenced sanitary sewer construction along Point Pelee Drive, with construction activities along Bevel Line Road commencing on October 9, 2016. Please note that access to local businesses and residents will be maintained during construction.
Why: This work is being conducted to resolve the issue of raw sewage discharging into the watercourse.
What: Work will involve the construction of new sanitary gravity trunk sewers, forcemains, pump stations and watermain...
New Vision for Uptown Leamington
Posted on Friday, August 19, 2016 09:00 AM
The Municipality of Leamington is excited to announce a new vision for its uptown core. The vision showcases an exciting place for citizens and businesses with all the amenities of an urban lifestyle – from a boutique hotel and residences, to shops and pedestrian friendly greenspace.
Uptown revitalization was identified as one of the main values articulated by Council during the strategic planning session held in January 2015.
A local artist has provided an artistic rendering that displays one...