Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee

Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee

Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee

MYAC provides Leamington youth with a voice and a structured opportunity to have a positive impact on the community through support for issues, causes and organizations they are passionate about. 

Apply for the 2023-2024 MYAC Committee

2024 Committee Initiatives
  • Anti-Bullying and Violence Campaign

The Committee has begun a campaign aimed at raising awareness of violence and bullying in schools. Committee members are prepared to ask fellow students questions that will allow them to reflect on the effects of posting and sharing fight videos to other students on social media platforms. 


You may also participate in this campaign by scanning the QR Code on the poster below and answering the short survey questions.

Anti-Bullying and Violence Poster


  • Mental Health Resource Awareness

As many youth experience mental health challenges, the Committee determined that it is important to provide fellow students with information on organizations that are able to help in a time of need. The Committee has created a Mental Health Resource flyer that consists of local resources and organizations available to youth in the community.


The Committee encourages you to contact any of the organizations on the poster below if you require assistance.

 Mental Health Resources Poster




2023 Event Photos

The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee held a Public Skate at Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre on April 15, 2023 and collected non-perishable food donations in support of The Bridge Youth Resource Centre. 

Thank you to Essex Powerlines Corporation for sponsoring the public skate.


The Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee held a trail cleanup on May 6, 2023. The Committee along with the community volunteers and the Leamington Fire Department were able to collect 6 bags of debris along the trail.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who came out to the event and assisted with the cleanup. Thank you to Burgess Refreshments for having the volunteers for ice cream after the event. 



The Municipality of Leamington's Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) will provide a voice for the youth of Leamington, while advising Council of important recreational and social issues concerning the Municipality's younger population.
  1. Provide youth with a better understanding of municipal politics
  2. Present the opportunity for youth to provide input in regard to Council initiatives
  3. Establish youth related priorities annually for recommendation to council
  4. Engage and retain youth as part of a larger sustainable youth strategy and to foster youth returning to the community after the completion of their post-secondary education.
  5. Create information forums, workshops and surveys for youth to establish their needs, concerns, wants, and to promote general awareness of services/events that are targeted towards youth
  6. Plan and execute community events for both charity and fundraising
  7. Partner with established community organizations to provide a link to existing youth activities and other programs in the community
  8. Promote a positive recognition of youth in the community
  9. Provide an annual report to Council on the statue of projects/activities

10. Provide an opportunity to youth in the community to earn their mandatory volunteer hours

It is the vision of the Committee to provide a communication link between the youth of Leamington and Municipal Council and to encourage facilities and programs that will enhance the quality of life, health and well-being of the youth in our community.
Committee Composition

The membership of the Committee shall be comprised as follows:

  • The Mayor;
  • One (1) member of Council;
  • Eight (8) to twelve (12) youth members; and
  • One (1) Community Services officer from the OPP.

Each member must be a resident of the Municipality of Leamington. Attention will be paid to ensure representation of all three high schools and a minimum of one member from the age categories 13/14, 15/16 and 17/18 if applications provide the opportunity. 

Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee Members

  • Christina Neufeld
  • David Kim
  • Lucas Medeiros
  • Gianna Saad
  • Keaton Wells
  • Steven Mendoza
  • Mia Raffoul
  • Vitheshvar Christy
  • Massimo Maiuri
  • Christopher Ciliska, OPP Community Services Officer
  • Hilda MacDonald, Council Representative
  • Heather Latam, Council Representative


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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