Dog Registration
Dog Registration
The Municipality of Leamington has a by-law for the registration and regulation of dogs.
The Municipality's Animal Control By-law requires that every owner of a dog register and licence their dog each year.
This simple process will help reunite you with your pet if it is lost. Please note that all dog tags are permanent and are to be kept on your dog's collar at all times.
Online payment is now available! Simply click on the button below and complete the electronic registration form.
Alternatively, you can mail your payment along with your renewal form to 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, ON N8H 2Z9
Payment can be made by cheque, bank draft or money order made payable to "Municipality of Leamington". Please do not put cash or post-dated cheques in the drop-box or in the mail.
Dog tags are $30, up to and including March 31. On or after April 1, a late fee of $25 is applied.
Please note that no person shall keep more than two (2) dogs in a dwelling unit or any premises unless the property is licensed as an approved dog kennel.
There is a fine of up to $500.00 for not registering your dog.
For more information, please refer to the Animal Control By-law or our Animal Services page.
Pit Bulls
Subject to certain exceptions, the Dog Owners' Liability Act bans the owning, breeding, transferring, importing or abandoning of pit bulls. Contact the Municipality for further information on registering Pit Bull dogs.