Planning and Zoning
Planning and Zoning
Planning Services is involved in all Planning Act applications, long-range planning policy development, the implementation of upper tier legislation and policies, and all other planning matters related to the comprehensive, orderly development within the Municipality.
Planning Services is responsible for preparing and maintaining municipal planning documents including the Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Secondary Plans, and Community Improvement Plans. These documents are used to implement legislation and perform a variety of services for ratepayers, developers, internal departments and upper tier governments.
Planning Services processes all applications legislated under the Planning Act. This includes:
• Official Plan Amendments |
• Site Plan Control Approvals |
• Zoning By-law Amendments |
• Plans of Subdivision and Condominiums |
• Minor Variances |
• Second Dwelling Agreements |
• Consents |
• Removal of Holding Zones |
• Part Lot Control Exemptions |
• Interim Control By-laws |
Do you need to submit an application? Learn about the process and timelines, and find the form(s) you need to get started.
See all planning items subject to public notice that will be considered at upcoming Municipal meetings and open houses.
Use interactive maps to find information about properties in Leamington, including Official Plan Designation and Zoning.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Official Plan? |
The Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies intended to guide future land use, physical development, and growth within the boundaries of the Municipality of Leamington. The policies of the Official Plan are designed to promote the public interest in the future development of the Municipality. |
What is a Zoning By-law? |
The Zoning By-law regulates the use of land, buildings and structures in Leamington and how properties can be developed. It includes regulations for things such as lot size, building height and setbacks, landscaped open space, and parking requirements. Leamington Zoning By-law 890-09 was adopted by Council on January 12, 2009. Please note that amendments to the Zoning By-law are common; each document has a date that is reflective of the update. |
What is the difference between the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law? |
The Official Plan is a high-level document that brings the Municipality’s general land use planning policies together in a single plan, whereas the Zoning By-law is much more specific. The Zoning By-law regulates what properties can be used for and sets out provisions for those uses. |
How do I find out the Zoning of a property? |
Use the Interactive Municipal Map to find the zoning of a property in Leamington. Tip: Turn on the Planning layer in the legend on the left hand side to view zoning. |
What does the Committee of Adjustment do? |
The Committee of Adjustment is the approval body for Minor Variance and Consent Applications and permissions to extend or enlarge Legal Non-Conforming Uses under the Planning Act. The Committee hears applications from property owners, discusses concerns related to each application, and makes a decisions on applications. The Committee evaluates the merits of each proposal with consideration of the following documents:
The Committee is administered by Planning Services through monthly meetings and is comprised of two Council members and three appointed members of the public. The Public is welcome to attend the Committee of Adjustment meetings. |
What is a Minor Variance? |
A Minor Variance is a minor change to a provision under the Zoning By-law, granted by the Committee of Adjustment. A Minor Variance cannot add a use that is not permitted under the Zoning By-law. It can change:
What is a Consent? |
The most common types of Consent Applications are severances to divide land into 2 or more lots and lot line adjustments. Other types include, but are not limited to:
What is Site Plan Control and when does it apply? |
Site Plan Control is a development review process which examines the design and technical aspects of a proposed development to ensure that it is safe, functional, and compatible with the surrounding area. It seeks to mitigate the impact of development on neighbouring uses and municipal infrastructure as well as encourage a high standard of design. Site Plan Control is a form of development control authorized under Section 41 of the Ontario Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, and implemented through the Municipality of Leamington Official Plan and Site Plan Control By-law 632-05. Site Plan approval is intended to ensure development:
Under Section 41 of the Planning Act, the Municipality of Leamington has the ability to create areas throughout the municipality where Site Plan Control is required. At this time, all Commercial, Industrial, Greenhouse, Boarding house, Off-Site and On-Site Farm Worker Dwelling, and Multi-Unit Residential (over 10 units) Developments are subject to Site Plan Control. If a development proposal requires Site Plan Control, it will proceed through a formal process of review and approval. This involves circulation of the proposal to relevant internal departments and external agencies, including conservation authorities, provincial bodies, utility companies, school boards, etc. To submit a development proposal, please see the Planning Applications & Process page. |
What is the Development Support Committee and what do they do? |
Planning Services also coordinates the weekly review of development proposals by the Development Support Committee (DSC). This Committee is comprised of representatives from Planning, Fire, Building, Water, Legal, Environmental, and Engineering Services and meets for the purpose of reviewing development proposals and providing high-level comments and direction on the municipal standards and processes. |