Plans, Publications and Reports


Plans, Publications and Reports

Below is a list of various plans, publications and reports offered by the Municipality.

Accessibility Plan
 Website Accessibility 

Accessibility is an important part of our website.

We're doing as much as we can to make sure everyone can access the information they need from our site.

We are also working towards compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, focusing on requirements set out in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

 Having the website easier to navigate for all 
Visitors of our site can expect to find the use of plain language, documents offered in an alternative format, and using appropriate heading tags for content and alternative text tags for images. These practices help maintain a higher level of accessibility for the users.

Other additional accessible adjustments can be made to the way information is displayed on your computer such as increasing the font size on your screen, changing background colours or having the words on your screen read to you.

 Accessibility Plan
Accessibility planning helps the Municipality with identifying, removing and preventing many different types of barriers. Our Plan identifies the steps we are taking to remove and prevent barriers within the Municipality. 
Leamington Transit Accessibility Plan 

Ontario Regulation 191/11 made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, governs requirements for conventional and specialized transportation service providers. The Leamington Transit Accessibility Plan forms part of the Municipality’s Accessibility Plan.

Asset Management Plan

2025 Budget

The 2025 Draft Budget document is now available

Click here to view the Draft 2025 Budget

Past Budgets

Leamington Council has approved the following Operating and Capital Budgets:

Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

The Uptown Community Improvement Plan aims to revitalize the Uptown Commercial District through the initiation of financial incentive grant programs that focus on maintenance, rehabilitation, development or redevelopment, addition of residential units, remuneration of municipal fees and attracting new investments and businesses to the area.

The Municipality of Leamington offers Leamington maintains a Community Improvement Plan to assist building and business owners with needed building and façade improvements. Financial grants are available to support exterior and interior building improvements, maintenance, rehabilitation, and development or redevelopment.

For more information about the Community Improvement Plan, please visit the CIP main page. There are a variety of financial incentive programs designed to reduce costs for rehabilitation projects and improvements to stimulate private investment in the revitalization of Uptown Leamington. The boundaries for the CIP area are defined in the Leamington Uptown Commercial District Community Improvement Plan, which was approved by Council on August 13, 2012. A revised version was amended in 2020. The purpose of the amendment to the Uptown Leamington Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is to extend the community Improvement Project Area to additional areas of the Uptown and to amend the eligibility criteria for projects considered for grants under the plan.

All projects must be consistent with the goals of the Uptown Commercial District Community Improvement Plan. All funding is subject to available funds and meeting certain eligibility requirements. A review and approval process must be completed before work can begin. No grants are awarded until the projects are satisfactorily completed and proof of payment expenses verified.

Building Exterior and Façade Improvement Grant Program
The Building Exterior and Facade Improvement Grant Program provides grants to improve the appearance of a building’s front and/or rear facades. Eligible works include on-site improvements to provide accessible walkways, permanent landscaping that contributes to the streetscape, etc. The Municipality will provide a grant of 50% percent of the cost of the works to a maximum of $15,000.
Renovation Grant Program
 Provides grants to upgrade, rehabilitate and redevelop commercial, mixed use or residential buildings. These upgrades also improve safety by bringing buildings into compliance with current Ontario Building Code requirements. This program also encourages conversion of second floor storage to residential units, and for retrofitting for energy and efficiency. The Municipality will provide a grant of 25% of the costs of the renovations to a maximum of $15,000 per property. 
County Wide Active Transportation Study (CWATS)
The County of Essex has finished a study to create a County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) .

What is Active Transportation

Active transportation in the County of Essex means non-motorized modes of travel such as;

  • Hiking,
  • Cycling,
  • Walking, etc.


CWATS is a proposed network of on-road and off-road trails, bike lanes, paved shoulders at the edges of the road, and signed routes to create connections between;

  • Existing built up areas
  • Tourist sites
  • City of Windsor
  • Chatham-Kent
  • Point Pelee National Park

The CWATS system is to be built over a 25 year period and is a partnership between the County of Essex , local Municipalities, and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

View additional information on CWATS at the County of Essex Website.

Demand Management Plan 
5 Year Conservation and Demand Management Plan
Development Manual 
In an effort to streamline the development process, the Municipality has consolidated development requirements in the Development Manual.

It is the intent that ratepayers, developers, contractors, lawyers and consultants will find this a useful document.

This manual will be updated as required. The dates of the revisions are noted at the bottom of each page and in the revision section of the manual. You should confirm with the Development Services office that you have the most up-to-date revision prior to making use of the contents of this manual.

Drainage Reports
Lebo Creek Drain- Watershed Rehabilitation Project
The Municipality of Leamington has initiated an Engineer’s Report through the provisions of the Drainage Act.

Through the Drainage Act process, the Municipality appointed N.J. Peralta Engineering to develop a report for the consideration of all stakeholders within this Drainage System. These stakeholders include all private property owners and public Road Authorities who contribute to and/or benefit from this drainage system. Furthermore, these stakeholders include both Federal and Provincial Agencies that regulate works associated with their legislation. This Engineer’s Report intends to derive a solution to address the diminishing functionality and provide improvements for the long-term sustainability of the overall drainage system. This report also includes a detailed estimate of the cost of construction and incidentals to be paid for by the users of the drainage system, in accordance with the Drainage Act.

West Marsh Drainage Scheme Bank Stabilization
Council Report DR-05-23-West Marsh Drainage Scheme Bank Stabilization
Financial Statements

One of the ways we demonstrate openness and accountability to the community is by sharing details of our financial position.

Each year, our financial statements are prepared by municipal staff, audited by an independent accounting firm and made available to the community. 

Our latest Audited Consolidated Financial Statements are available below:

Financial Information Return 

The Financial Information Return (FIR) is a data collection tool used by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to collect financial information on municipalities. The FIR is posted on the Ministry of Finance website.

Statement of Council Remuneration

Each year, the Municipality is required to disclose the remuneration and expenses paid to each member of Council by March 31 of the following year.

Land Use Compatiblity Study

This document serves as a Terms of Reference (ToR) for completing a Land Use Compatibility Study (a Study) within the Municipality of Leamington (the Municipality).

The objective of the ToR is to assist developers and their consultants in scoping and preparing a Study, in support of a planning approval submission to the Municipality. The objective of a Study prescribed in the ToR is to assess potential adverse effects and recommend separation distances and mitigation measures, if needed, to promote compatibility with surrounding land uses.

Leamington Active Transportation Plan

Master Drain Plans

 Reid Drain, Silver Creek Drain, and Big Creek Watersheds

July 2020 The Municipality of Leamington prepared a Stormwater Master Drainage Study for the Reid Drain, Silver Creek and Big Creek Watersheds. The study area is located within the jurisdiction of both Essex Region Conservation Authority and the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority. The study was initiated to take an all-inclusive approach to assessing the impact of potential future development within the project area. The study evaluated the overall watershed drainage system and has identified stormwater management design criteria.

The Municipality is also intending to implement a Two-Zone Floodplain Policy through an Official Plan Amendment with the study area.

 Lebo Creek Master Drainage Study

The Municipality of Leamington has prepared a Stormwater Master Drainage Study for the Lebo Creek Watershed. The study area is located within the jurisdictions of the Essex Region Conservation Authority. The study was initiated to take an all-inclusive approach to assessing the impact of potential future development within the project area. The study evaluated the overall watershed drainage system and has identified stormwater management design criteria.

The Municipality is also intending to implement a Two-Zone Floodplain Policy through an Official Plan Amendment within the study area.

Municipal Grants

Do you have a community event, community project or program within the Municipality of Leamington? You may be eligible to apply to the Municipality to receive monetary support!

The intake for grant applications is during the month of September each year. The 2025 Municipal Grant intake will close at the end of day Monday, September 30, 2024.

Please review the new Municipal Grant Policy and Guidelines for details

Applications for the 2025 Municipal Grants are now closed.

Municipal Standard Specifications and Drawings
Drawing Number Drawing Title Date Created Date Revised
200 Lot Grading - Semi-Detached - Split Drainage February 20, 2013  
201 Lot Grading - Townhouse Split - Drainage February 20, 2013  
202 Culvert Headwall with Railing Detail February 20, 2013  
203 Rear Yard CSP Catch Basin February 20, 2013  
204 Lot Grading - Single Unit Dwelling - Split Drainage February 20, 2013  
205 Typical Lot Grading - Side View February 20, 2013 July 10, 2023
206 Lot Grading - Single Unit Dwelling - Rear to Front Drainage February 20, 2013  
207 Lot Grading - Semi-Detached - Rear to Front Drainage February 20, 2013  
208  Temporary Boulevard Grading February 20, 2013  
209  Typical 90 Degree Crescent with Eyebrow on 20m Right of Way February 20, 2013  
300 Residential Driveway - Urban without Sidewalk February 20, 2013  
301 Residential Driveway - Urban with Existing Sidewalk February 20, 2013  
302 Residential Driveway - Urban with Planned Sidewalk February 20, 2013  
303 Commercial Entrance Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb and Gutter February 20, 2013  
304 Rural Entrance February 20, 2013  March 23, 2015
305 Sidewalk Ramps - 6m Radius February 20, 2013  
306 Sidewalk Ramps - 8m Radius February 20, 2013  
307 Sidewalk Ramps - 9m Radius February 20, 2013  
308 Sidewalk Ramps - 10m Radius February 20, 2013  
309 Sidewalk Ramps - 12m Radius February 20, 2013  
310 Sidewalk Ramps - T Intersection February 20, 2013  
311 Residential Driveway - Urban with Sidewalk Behind Curb February 20, 2013  
312 Sidewalk Detail Plan February 8, 2013  
500 Typical Road and Utility Cross Section with 20m Right of Way February 20, 2013  
501 Typical Road and Utility Cross Section with 15m Right of Way February 20, 2013  
502 Trench Restoration in Roadway February 20, 2013  
503 Sub-Drain Detail February 20, 2013  
505 Emergency Pedestrian Access Route Layout March 14, 2013  
506 Curb Return Radii for Intersections February 20, 2013  
700 Temporary Asphalt Catchbasin Box-Out February 20, 2013  
701 Final Catchbasin Box-out February 20, 2013  
900 1.2m High Black Coated Vinyl Fence February 20, 2013  
901 1.2m High Black Coated Vinyl Fence Gate February 20, 2013  
1000 Typical Service Layout Single Unit February 20, 2013  
1001 Typical Service Layout Semi-Detached Lot February 20, 2013  
1002 Typical Service Layout Freehold Townhouse February 20, 2013  
1003 Typical Service Connection and Clean Out February 20, 2013  
1004 Typical Sewer Clay Plug February 20, 2013  


Official Plan & Land Use 
The Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies intended to guide future land use, physical development, and growth within the boundaries of the Municipality of Leamington. The policies of the Official Plan are designed to promote the public interest in the future development of the Municipality. 

Parks Plan - Parkland Dedication and Payment-in-lieu of Parkland Analysis

The dedication of parkland is a requirement under the Planning Act that allows municipalities to ensure that the park system grows at the same rate as the development of the community. The Planning Act authorizes municipalities to prepare and adopt a Parkland Dedication By-law (PDB) to impose conditions on development and redevelopment to receive parkland or payment-in-lieu of parkland. 

A presentation and Parks Plan analysis (linked below) have been prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson & Associates) to summarize the requirements for parkland dedication and the need to adopt a PDB. The PDB sets out the requirements for the conveyance of land or the payment of cash-in lieu of land for new development or redevelopment proposals, necessary to support a healthy and robust parks system within the Municipality of Leamington. 

How can I participate?

Watson & Associates will be receiving comments and feedback through email ( until Monday, April 15, 2024.
Residents and stakeholders are also welcome to participate in an Open House, offered both in-person and online via Zoom, which will include a brief presentation about the changes, as well as time for questions, comments, and feedback on the proposed by-law.

Meeting Details:

Date: Thursday April 4, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: In-person at the Essex Centre Sports Complex - Shaheen Room (60 Fairview Avenue West, Essex) and virtual (link available upon request by emailing:

Project Contacts:

If you have any questions regarding the review of the Parkland Dedication By-law, or would like to provide additional suggestions or comments, please contact Daryl Abbs (Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.)

Project Contacts


Stormwater and Wastewater Reports

The Municipality is required to submit annual reports to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to meet the requirements of the Environmental Compliance Approvals issued for Sewage Works, Stormwater and the Leamington Pollution Control Center.  The most recent reports are provided below:


Strategic Plan

Municipality of Leamington - Strategic Plan 

As a result of a Strategic Planning sessions conducted in January 2023, the Municipality of Leamington adopted a Strategic Plan which will form the frame work for municipal policies, direction, work plans and allocations of resources for the term of Council. The new strategic plan also aligns with the Municipality’s 20-year strategic vision.

The Municipality’s 2023-2026 Strategic Vision Update includes:

• A refreshed collective vision for Administration and the Leamington Community.

• An updated mission that articulates the Municipality’s multi-faceted role and its path to achieving the vision.

• The values that guide the Municipality and everything it does, from delivering services, designing and implementing policies, making investments and engaging with residents.

• Three strategic pillars critical to the success of the vision and the specific initiatives that will support the Municipality in making progress on these pillars.

• Progress measures for each pillar that will enable the Municipality to track and evaluate progress and to understand where it may need to course correct to keep the community moving forward.

This plan will align Administration’s everyday operations with Council’s strategic priorities. The initiatives set out in this plan will inform the Municipality’s annual budget and business planning processes to ensure that resources are matched to the priorities set out in this plan.

View the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

View our strategic planning documents: 

Traffic Calming Policy

At its meeting held May 23, 2023, Leamington Council adopted the Traffic Calming Policy prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. Consulting Engineers.

The purpose of this Traffic Calming Policy is to provide a systematic procedure for the initiation, investigation, and implementation of traffic calming measures for existing and future roadways in the Municipality of Leamington. It is intended to supplement the TAC’s Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming and Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads with “Leamington-specific” considerations.

Additional resources:

Traffic Study

 Erie St. South, Oak St., Sherk St. and Seacliff Drive

In 2022, the Leamington Municipal Council adopted a study that developed a long-range vision for the area generally bounded by Erie Street South, Oak Street, Sherk Street and Seacliff Drive.

The study involved:

• Identification of operational issues at key intersections and corridors within the study area.

• Addressing traffic concerns for all modes of travel, including pedestrian, cyclist, and transit.

• Addressing concerns relating to road user safety and crossings with special consideration for seniors, users with disabilities, and school children.

• Development of alternatives to improve active transportation network connectivity.

• Development and evaluation of alternatives to improve traffic operations within the study area.

Waterfront Destination Master Plan

In 2022, Council received and approved the Leamington Waterfront Destination Master Plan as the basis for the future development for the Leamington Waterfront Area. The Plan is a visionary document to guide the transformation of the waterfront into a mixed use, pedestrian-focused community and visitor destination. It has built on an existing excellent foundation that includes Sunset Stadium, the Leamington Marina and ferry connections to Pelee Island. It supports existing elements along the waterfront, while building capacity for tourism, economic development, active transportation, and improving connections to other municipal properties along and near the waterfront. The Plan leverages and celebrates the full potential of Leamington’s waterfront.

Water Reports 
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks conducts inspections of all water systems on an annual basis. In addition all water systems are required to provide annual reports on their operation to the public. The most recent reports are provided below:

Inspection Reports

Water Reports

Water Financial Reports 

The Municipality of Leamington retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to prepare a water financial plan and rate study as part of the five submission requirements for the purpose of obtaining a municipal drinking water license. The results are as follows:

Uptown Master Plan

In 2018, Council received and approved the Leamington Uptown Master Plan as the basis for future development in Uptown Leamington. The purpose of the Master Plan for Uptown Leamington is to create a mixed-use space that provides attractive, efficient and accessible choices for the public (pedestrian, bicycle, or transit) in concert with automobiles. The plan addresses the need for convenient, accessible parking, and supports the vision for the uptown area as a vibrant area for business and public activities. 

 2020 Boarding House Study 

The Municipality of Leamington’s 2018 Boarding House Study was recently updated by Dillion Consulting. The 2020 Update considers two types of housing, farm help accommodations and boarding houses. The 2020 Update closely examines four specific approaches to addressing affordable housing opportunities in Leamington and housing needs for agricultural workers. The Update recommends implementing four approaches in an effort to balance the overall pressure for a variety of housing options in the Municipality, in a manner which ensures new development can be serviced efficiently, is compatible with the surrounding uses and which meets health and safety expectations.


The 2020 Update identifies the following potential approaches:

  • Small boarding houses in the Urban Settlement Area
  • Large boarding houses in the Urban Settlement Area
  • Farm help dwellings on-site (co-located with the farm operation in the Agricultural Area)
  • Farm help dwellings off-site (located within the Agricultural Area but on a separate site from the farm operation)

Recommendations regarding how each of approaches noted above will be implemented are contained in Section 5 of the 2020 Boarding House Study Update.

Make your comments here 


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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