Council Considers - August 13, 2019
Council will consider the following reports and matters at its upcoming Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019:
- A report suggesting AECOM for engineering services regarding blower upgrades at the Leamington Pollution Control Centre
- A report regarding the purchase of a new 2-way radio and GPS vehicle tracking systems for dispatching services
- A Traffic Study report regarding Seacliff Drive East at Cherry Lane
- A request for a By-law to Regulate the Keeping of Pigeons
- An update to Council on the progress of the updated maintenance schedule regarding the East Marsh Breakwall – Section 76
- A report regarding East Beach Road – New Petition Drain and a report regarding Bert Pulley Drain South Side Extension – New Petition Drain
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at