Council Considers – August 8, 2023
At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, August 8, 2023, Council will:
- Hold a Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) changing the zoning of severed lands; a consent application to sever the land from 223-265 Talbot Street West and adding it to the west side of 255 Talbot Street West; and consent applications to establish an easement for the existing utilities servicing the Aphria greenhouse and to establish an access easement to allow for traffic access.
- Receive a presentation from Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) on the Hillman Marsh Climate Adaptation and Restoration Plan.
- Consider the appointment of Rood Engineering to prepare a report, together with necessary plans and profile for the repairs and improvements to the top end of the Fox Drain and a portion of the Fox Drain Branch.
- Consider a report regarding an all-way stop at the intersection of Carter Ave and Ellison Ave.
- Consider a report regarding the review of the no stopping signs along the east end of Maxon Avenue.
- Consider a report recommending amendments to the Appeal Committee and Property Standards Committee regarding alternating Chairs between the Committees.
- Consider a report regarding establishing an Electronic Signature Policy. The Policy will streamline and improve administrative processes by identifying the types of documents for which electronic signatures will be acceptable.
- Consider awarding a contract to eMark Consulting Services regarding the creation of an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Strategy. The need for an ECM Strategy was identified in the recent Records and Information Management System Service Delivery Review.
- Consider a report regarding an increase to the Care and Maintenance Funds (CMF) portion of the municipal cemetery fees, as required by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).
For further information, please refer to the Council Agenda and Minutes at The meeting will be streamed live online for public viewing at