Council Considers - December 17, 2018

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Council will consider the following reports and matters at its upcoming Council meeting to be held on Monday, December 17, 2018:

  • Two (2) public meetings will be held for the following matters:
    • To consider Consent Application B-42-18 and Zoning By-law Amendment #183 regarding 129 Mersea Road 8;
    • To consider Zoning By-law Amendment #180 regarding 156 Talbot Street West;
  • Receive Zoning By-law Amendment #186 to remove the holding (H) symbol from the property located south of the intersection of Talbot Street East and County Road 33 and authorize the Manager of Planning Services to enter into the required site plan agreement;
  • Receive an Economic Development and Tourism Annual Report;
  • Approval of a pedestrian crossover to be installed on Erie Street South approximately 145m south of Oak Street to replace the existing courtesy crossing (Highbury-Canco);
  • Submission of applications for the 2019 County Wide Active Transportation Project;
  • Direction to issue a requested Letter of Concurrence stating that Rogers Communications Inc. has met the consultation requirements of Industry Canada’s Radio Communications and Broadcasting Antenna Systems Protocol for the installation of a 40m wireless communications tower at 403 Seacliff Drive West;
  • Approval of Zoning By-law Amendment #185 to remove the holding (H) symbol from 208 Erie Street North;
  • Authorization of a Conditional Building Permit Agreement with respect to the erection of greenhouse posts at 408 Mersea Road 10;
  • Option for the Municipality to either “opt in” or “opt out” of Cannabis Retail and approval of a Policy P09 – Cannabis Retails Stores – Matters of Public Interest;
  • Direction regardiing amendments to the Business Licensing By-law;
  • Amending the Council Procedure By-law to change Council meeting days to the second and fourth Tuesday in each month;
  • Appointment of an alternate member of County Council when the Mayor or Deputy Mayor are unable to attend a meeting;
  • Appointment of Council Members to Boards and Committees.

To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda at
