Council Considers - January 22, 2019
Council will consider the following reports and matters at its upcoming Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
- The concept of a Seniors Advisory Committee;
- Adoption of a Scent-Free Workplace Policy;
- Adoption of a Council Benefits and Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave Policy;
- Awarding a tender for the Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex Shower Renovation Project;
- A report regarding Electronic Participation at Council Meetings, with a recommendation to prohibit electronic participation by Council members;
- A Post-Election Accessibility Report for information purposes;
- Options regarding Proactive By-law Enforcement in the Uptown;
- Approval of a Stage 4 archaeological assessment of vacant land on Seneca Road.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Minutes at