Council Considers – June 25, 2024
At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Council will:
- Hold a Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider:
- An application to create a surplus dwelling lot and merge abutting greenhouse farms; establish a permanent easement for access for the greenhouse property; add land to the abutting residential parcel and establish a permanent easement for those lands.
- Consider a comprehensive report reviewing current municipal policies in relation to agencies, boards and committees.
- Consider amending the Special Events By-law to include additional criteria that a Special Event must meet to receive a Special Event Permit.
- Consider a report regarding a new Business Licensing By-law as a result of previous direction from Council at the Meeting held on May 14, 2024.
- Consider deeming part of a plan of subdivision not to be a registered plan of subdivision for Southwind Estates Phase Three, M.Z.M. Development & Resources Inc.
- Consider removing 187 Talbot Street East from the Leamington Municipal Register of Heritage Properties.
- Consider leasing 144 meters of land located at 425 Bevel Line Road to Shared Tower Inc. to construct a telecommunications tower from Industry Canada and authorize Administration to execute the agreement.
For further information, please refer to the council agenda and minutes at The meeting will be streamed live online for public viewing at