Council Considers - September 24, 2019
Council will consider the following reports and matters at its upcoming Council meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2019:
- A Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider a consent application to sever a parcel of land at 1331 Mersea Road 1 and add it to the abutting vacant farm to the west to reconfigure the legal boundaries and reflect how the land has been used; a Zoning By-law amendment Application to change the zoning of the retained parcel from Agricultural General to Agricultural Hobby Farm.
- A report regarding the confirmation of the 2016-2018 property tax adjustments and forwarding 2019 property tax adjustments to the Assessment Review Board.
- Awarding a contract to Cobby Marine (1985) Inc., in the amount of $334,340 (plus applicable taxes) for shoreline works in the vicinity of: Cotterie Park, Mersea Road D and Point Pelee Drive, Mersea Road 12 and Point Pelee Drive, Mersea Park beach area, and the Selkirk Drain outlet, as water levels continue to rise and wave intensity increases, unprotected areas of the Leamington shoreline are at a greater risk of erosion and failure.
- A report regarding the design of Uptown Park and Shotten Park, as prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. The Uptown Park conceptual design consists of a large green space, shade structure, plantings and trees. All finishes and fixtures will be consistent with Mill Street West. The Shotten Park concept provides: a walking path angled through the park to align with Queens Avenue, green space, benches, a shade structure, and multiple locations to accommodate additional vendor tents during the Mill Street West Night Markets. The Municipality also received a donation from the Communities in Bloom and the Honey Foundation for the creation of a colourful garden space in Shotten Park.
- To consider awarding a demolition contract to demolish the building at 40-42 Mill Street West to Gagnon Demolition Inc., in the amount of $51,480 (plus applicable taxes) in connection with the 2017 Uptown Master Plan prepared by RC Spencer Associates. This plan identified a need to establish a pedestrian corridor to connect the Russel Street parking lot to Mill Street West. The building was determined to be a “stand-alone” structure that could be demolished.
- A report regarding the Proclamation and Flag Raising Policy with options to create an inclusive and community based policy to allow for proclamations or flag raising, or to keep the current policy in place that does not allow for proclamations or flag raising.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at