Council Considers - September 8, 2020

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Leamington Council will hold an electronic Council meeting on September 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM to consider the following staff reports:

COVID-19 Related Reports

  • Authorization of processing of refunds to Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Centre memberships upon request and to waive the $25 administrative fee for processing refunds. Due to reduced services, it is being recommended that Council approve the use of the one month promotional discount as a standard membership option moving forward during the time of reduced services. This would cost $30 a month for a month to month membership.
  • Approval of the proposal from eSolutionsGroup to modernize municipal services through the website enhancements in the amount of $91,980 for contact-free services. It is also an investment and enhancement of an existing solution that is working well to meet the needs of residents, the community at large and staff.

           The proposal includes the following modules:

           1) Citizen Portal;

           2) Community and Development Services;

           3) Appointment Booking Application;

           4) E-commerce;

           5) Marriage Licence; and

           6) Staff Training

Regular Business Reports

  • A Court of Revision regarding the following matters: John Leslie Drain, E.F. Ives Drain, and East Marsh Breakwall.
  • A Public Meeting under the Drainage Act for the Wilkinson Drain- Realignment of Extension and West Branch Extension Improvements.
  • To consider the elimination of the Assistant Drainage Superintendent and the creation of a second Drainage Superintendent position.
  • Awarding the contract for the Leamington Pollution Control Centre Tank Access Upgrades to Liftsafe Engineering and Service Group Inc. in the amount of $146,463 plus applicable taxes and contract administration services be awarded to AECOM in the amount of $8,690 plus applicable taxes.
  • On July 14, 2020, Council directed Administration to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for contract police service based on the policing priorities and the minimum levels of service. MPM Consulting was retained to prepare and administer that RFP. Council is considering approval of the proposal requirements and the evaluation criteria and corresponding values for proposals received in response to the Request for Proposals – Police Service Delivery.
  • To remove Councillor Tim Wilkinson as a member from the Union Water Supply System Joint Board of Management and appointed as an alternate member, effective September 13, 2020 and to remove Councillor Paul Tiessen as alternate member of the Union Water Supply System Joint Board of Management and appointed as member, effective September 13, 2020.
  • To consider approval to amend the Leamington Uptown Commercial District Community Improvement Plan and a housekeeping official plan amendment to remove Schedule ‘D’ Community Improvement Areas to the Official Plan (2008) and to remove reference to “Community Improvement Areas as shown on Schedule ‘D’ of Official Plan” within Section 6.0 of the OP.

           The five proposed changes to the Leamington Uptown Commercial District Community Improvement Plan are:

           i) the extension of the Community Improvement Project Area along Talbot Street East, Erie Street North and Erie Street South

           ii) changes to the general and program specific eligibility criteria;

           iii) removal of the reference the Community Improvement Projects Areas shown on Schedule D of the Official Plan;

           iv) update of Action Plan to provide for the maximum amounts in grants to be made over the period of the Plan; and

            v) the necessary administrative modifications not involving the land area or financial considerations included within the Plan.

  • Approval of the purchase of a dump body, plow and necessary attachments in the amount of $62,880 (plus HST) from Eloquip Ltd.

To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington's Council Agenda and Minutes at

Although members of the public cannot attend the meeting in-person due to COVID-19 precautions, the meeting will be streamed live online for public viewing at

