Council Matters - February 26, 2019
At the Council meeting held on February 26, 2019, Council:
- Held a public meeting, supported provisional approval of Consent Applications B-05-19 and B-06-19 to sever two farm lots located at 803 Mersea Road 6, Consent Application B-07-19 to sever a surplus dwelling lot located at 813 Mersea Road 6 and approved Zoning By-law Amendment #187 to change the zoning of the severed lands;
- Held a public meeting, supported provisional approval of Consent Application B-08-19 to add a parcel of land from the rear of the residential lot at 612 County Road 37 to the property located at 610 County Road 37 and approved Zoning By-law Amendment #188 to change the zoning of the severed lands;
- Held a public meeting, supported provisional approval of Consent Application B-43-18 to sever a surplus dwelling lot located at 1209 & 1211 Mersea Road 7 and approved Zoning By-law Amendment #184 to change the zoning of the severed and retained lands;
- Adopted the Engineer’s report for the Changes in Assessment to the Derbergh Drain prepared by Baird AE dated January 8, 2019;
- Appointed Rood Engineering to prepare a report on the E.F. Ives Drain to update the existing assessment schedule to add an extension to an existing culvert;
- Approved a partnership with the Leamington Veterans Banner Committee to initiate a Hometown Heroes Banner Project in Leamington;
- Authorized entering into an agreement with Family Services Employee Assistance Programs for the provision of an employee and family assistance program;
- Adopted a Municipal Tree Canopy policy;
- Appointed ADR Chambers Inc. as Integrity Commissioner for a term of 2 years;
- Approved the reconsideration of a motion relating to a Pedestrian Crossover to be installed on Erie Street South approximately 145m south of Oak Street, to replace the existing Courtesy Crossing, previously approved at the meeting held December 17, 2018. Administration will bring forward a report with further options for Council’s consideration in April, 2019.
Council Matters have been prepared in this format for information purposes only. Please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Minutes at