Council Matters - January 15, 2019

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At the Council meeting held on January 15, 2019, a Court of Revision was held regarding the Sturgeon Creek Drain and the Court was adjourned to a later date. Following this meeting, Council:

  • Directed Administration to make a number of amendments to the Business Licensing By-law including a reduction in the initial application and renewal fees;
  • Received a presentation regarding an Economic Development and Tourism Annual Report;
  • Approved a Greenhouse Water Allocation By-law limiting water allocation to a maximum consumption of 6,000 imperial gallons/acre/day for all restricted greenhouses in the Municipality of Leamington;
  • Chose not to appoint an alternate member of County Council when the Mayor or Deputy Mayor are unable to attend a meeting;
  • Directed that Part 12 on 12R-22697 be offered for sale to the owner of 624 County Road 8 for the purchase price of $1.00 with the condition that the purchaser pay all costs of the Municipality associated with the closure of that portion of the alley and the transfer of the lands;
  • Appointed citizen representatives to the Leamington Police Services Board, Leamington Committee of Adjustment, Leamington Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Leamington Municipal Heritage Committee;  
  • Deferred consideration of Report LLS-04-19 regarding Code of Conduct for members of Council and local boards, a Council and Staff Relationship Policy and a Request for Proposal for an Integrity Commissioner.

Council Matters have been prepared in this format for information purposes only. Please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Minutes at
