Council Matters - July 9, 2019
At the Council meeting held on July 9, 2019, Council:
- Approved the 2018 Audited Financial Statements and the 2018 Year End Variance. Council also appointed Hicks, MacPherson, Iatonna & Driedger LLP as the external auditors for fiscal 2019.
- Adopted H-09 – Recruitment and Compensation for Part Time Employees. This created the new position of Marina Maintenance Attendant, added the existing position of Parks Attendant, and increased the Seasonal Labourer wage rate by $2.00 per hour.
- Discussed the quality of service received from the Ontario Provincial Police and the issues of drug/opioid use and crime with Inspector Glenn Miller, Inspector, Detachment Commander Essex County Ontario Provincial Police and Staff Sergeant Brian Johnson, Operations Manager, Leamington- Kingsville- Pelee Island Essex County Detachment - Ontario Provincial Police.
- Awarded the contract for the Leamington Pollution Control Centre Generator Upgrades to Haller Mechanical Contractors Inc. in the amount of $172,700 plus applicable taxes.
- Awarded the contract for the 2019 Asphalt Program to The Mill-AM Corporation in the amount of $388,110.23 plus applicable taxes.
- Approved the requested Letter of Concurrence stating that Rogers Communications Inc. has met the consultation requirements for the installation of the 60 m (196.85 ft.) wireless communications tower on the lands known municipally as 645 Highway 77.
- Approved the Sign Variances for the Leamington Mennonite Home and Apartments for 1 Pickwick Drive and 2 Pickwick Drive on the condition that minor variances are granted.
- Authorized 1849650 Ontario Limited to construct a building with westerly facing windows located at 43 Mill Street West.
- Approved the grant of an easement to Hydro One Networks Inc. for the purpose of a right of way and easement on lands- Part of North half of Lot 5 Conc. 8 Mersea; Part of South half of Lot 5 Conc. 8 Mersea, for a purchase price of $265.
- Received a petition from the residents of Joanne Court asking for parking to be approved on both sides of the street.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at