Council Matters - June 25, 2019

At the Council meeting held on June 25, 2019, Council:
- Held a public meeting to consider the Engineer’s Report on the Silver Creek Drain – Culvert Replacement. Council approved the report provided by Rood Engineering Inc., dated April 15, 2019, for a culvert replacement over the Silver Creek drain for parcel # 690-05900, pursuant to the provisions of Section 78 of the Drainage Act. A Court of Court of Revision will be scheduled for July 23, 2019.
- Received a report regarding a Request for Posting of Signs in the Uptown. Council granted the request from the BIA to erect a maximum of 10 signs on municipally owned light standards or poles with associated costs to be charged to the Public Works “In Kind Services”.
- Received a report with regard to the Mill St. Markets. Council received an update on the Mill Street Markets that were held in May and June and authorized the revised budget for the expansion of the Mill St. Markets.
- Received a report regarding Fire Dispatch Services. Council authorized the change of dispatching services to the City of Windsor for the next two years in the amount of $68,968 per year, third year in the amount of $72,323 (adjusted per census) and to enter the 4th optional year at 0% increase commencing January 1, 2020.
- Awarded the Leamington Fire Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System contract to Air Technology Solutions Canada Inc. in the amount of $42,902 plus HST.
- Authorized the participation in the Multi-Year Governance Agreement for Joint Transit Procurements facilitated by Metrolinx, 2019 – 2024 by signing the Multi-Year Governance Agreement.
- Received a report regarding Southwest Leamington Storm Water Management Environmental Assessment. Council authorized retaining the services of Dillon Consulting Services for the Southwest Leamington Storm Water Management Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design in the amount of $169,788.90 (plus applicable taxes).
- Received the Windsor Essex Provincial Offences Act (POA) Program – 2018 Annual Report.
- Approved the F23 - Strategic Asset Management Policy.
- Approved an amendment to the User Fee with regard to an increase to dog impound fees.
- Received a report regarding an Agreement with the Greater Essex County District School Board for Additional Parking for Queen Elizabeth Public School and a Closure of a Portion of James Street. Council authorized entering into an agreement with the School Board for the use of a part of James Street.
- Discussed in depth the possible reduction in size or elimination of curb extensions. Council directed Administration to prepare a report for Council consideration that would be used as a guide for future design standards on streets and to also to review the current curb extensions on the following streets: Danforth Avenue and Pulford Avenue, Talbot Street and Fox Street, Mill Street and Erie Street, and Mill Street and Fox Street.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at