Council Matters - November 13, 2018

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At the Council meeting held on November 13, 2018, a Court of Revision was held regarding the Dresser Drain and the Engineer’s Report for the project was confirmed. Following this meeting, Council:

  • Authorized entering into an agreement with 189029 Ontario Inc. to allow Club Fitt to install and maintain four windows on the easterly façade of the building located at 18 Mill Street West, with the condition that the windows be removed should the Municipality sell the adjacent property and the new owner wishes to build to the zero lot line;
  • Adopted By-law 68-18 to impose fees to benefitting properties in connection with the Parkdale Avenue Sewer Separation Project;
  • Adopted By-law 67-18 to impose fees to benefitting properties in connection with the Marlborough Street West (Erie to Chestnut), Fox Street (Askew to Russell) and Chestnut Street (Russell to Marlborough) Sewer Separation Project;
  • Authorized entering into an agreement with Stantec Consulting Ltd. for the design of Bridge No. 53 in accordance with their proposal dated August 10, 2017 in the amount of $48,160 (excluding HST);
  • Awarded Dillon Consulting with an assignment to complete a traffic study and development plan on Oak Street West, between Sherk Street and Industrial Drive, in accordance with the outline of services contained in their letter dated September 19, 2018;
  • Selected road profile design Option #2 for the reconstruction of Forest Avenue;
  • Directed Administration to provide notice of the deliberation of Site Plan Agreement SPC 18-18, for the proposed residential and commercial development on the west side of County Road 33, to the residents of Anfred Street, Goslin Court and Sturgeon Meadows Avenue south of Anfred Street;
  • Adopted By-law 66-18 to provide for the 2019 interim tax levy in the Municipality of Leamington;
  • Adopted By-law 63-18 to amend By-law 668-06 for the Regulation and Registration of Dogs; and
  • Approved a Board and Committee Appointment Policy.

Council Matters have been prepared in this format for information purposes only. Please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Minutes at
