Council Matters - November 26, 2019
At the Council meeting held on November 26, 2019, Council:
- Received a delegation from the Ontario Provincial Police with regard to the OPP contract - policing proposal.
- Held a Public Meeting under the Drainage Act to consider the Engineer’s Report for the Jefferson Wiper Drain - Bridge Replacement and Gorrell Drain - New Drain Petition.
- Held a Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Council approved ZBA #198 and Consent Applications B-27-19 and B-28-19- 1212 Mersea Road 2 being an application to add a parcel of land with an area of 0.14 hectares (0.35 acres) from the farm property at 1212 Mersea Road 2 to the residential lot located at 1218 Mersea Road 2.
- Held a Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Council approved ZBA #196 - 282-288 Talbot Street West being an application to recognize the existing legal non-conforming commercial retail use at 282-288 Talbot Street West.
- Held a Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Council approved ZBA #194 -11 Iroquois Road seeking relief from the zone provisions of Zoning By-law 890-09, as amended to permit the construction of a contractor’s yard and light industrial building at 11 Iroquois Road.
- Approved the imposition of fees for the benefitting properties in connection with the Coronation Avenue Sewer Separation and Road Reconstruction Project and a report regarding the imposition of fees for the benefitting properties in connection with Mill Street West (Fox to Erie) Sewer Separation Project.
- Approved a number of drainage petitions, including:
- County Road 33 – New Petition Drain between Mersea Road C and Ellis Avenue – 911 numbers 655 to 707.
- County Road 33 – New Petition Drain between Sturgeon Creek Bridge and Mersea Road C.
- County Road 33 – New Petition Drain between Ellis Avenue and Mersea Road 12 – 911 numbers 728-970.
- Considered a report on a Hard Surfacing Policy to determine what is required to satisfy the required hard surfacing of parking spaces until the Zoning By-law is amended to specify the same. Council directed Administration to apply the provisions of the Zoning By-law and require hard surfacing. Council further directed that property owners continue to be allowed the opportunity to seek Council direction on alternative surfacing.
- Considered a request from the owner of 208 Erie Street North to allow for the development of a gravel parking area (versus hard surfacing). The owner will provide an amended site plan (incorporating proposed commercial space) to Planning Services for review.
- Received a report regarding the installation of an additional portable classroom at each, M.D. Bennie Public School (259 Sherk Street) and East Mersea Public School (547 Mersea Road 21).
- Approved the change of parking on Joanne Court to allow parking on both sides of the street. Parking is currently prohibited on the west side of Joanne Court.
- Authorized a purchase order to Andritz Separation in an amount of $160,369 including net HST, to complete required maintenance and repairs on Centrifuge #1 and Centrifuge #2 at the Leamington Pollution Control Centre. The Centrifuges are used to de-water raw sludge from the treatment process.
- Authorized engaging Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to undertake a development charges background study and Part XII by-law in the amount of $43,100 (plus applicable taxes).
- Directed Administration to hold consultation meetings with the public in January 2020, to obtain feedback and hear comments and concerns related to a proposed by-law to provide for appropriate window coverings for commercial buildings.
- Directed Administration to hold a consultation meeting with the public to obtain feedback on the proposed draft by-law to regulate the size, use, location, construction and alteration of signs.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at