Council Matters – October 8, 2024
At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, October 8, 2024, Council:
- Authorized the creation of a new municipal drain branching off the Sturgeon Creek Drain, to be named Brunato Drain; authorized the tendering of the project and directed that a Court of Revision to be scheduled.
- Approved the severing of lands from 538 County Road 37, which was added to the rear of 1828 Mersea Road 5, and rezoned the severed lands from Agricultural Hobby Farm to Agricultural Residential to match the receiving lands.
- Rezoned 504 Mersea Road 21 from an Agricultural General Zone to an Agricultural General (A1-45) Zone to permit the construction of an attached Additional Dwelling Unit.
- Adopted the 2024-2029 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, a copy of which is available on the Municipality’s website.
- Adopted an new Social Media Policy and guidelines for employees, Members of Council and Agencies Boards and Committees.
For further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council agenda and minutes at