Council Matters - September 10, 2019
At the Council meeting held on September 10, 2019, Council:
- Held a public meeting and approved repairs to the McCracken Drain as it has backed up and caused flooding and large sink holes.
- Held a public meeting and approved improvements to the Judson Morse Drain – Lower Portion to enclose portions of the Drain to accommodate redevelopment and expansion of the existing greenhouse farm.
- Approved the changes in assessment prepared by Baird AE for the Hooker Drain – Highway 77 Branch, 636 Mersea Road 8 that includes an addition to the existing building and a new residential building with a gravel driveway. The stormwater will be directed to the Hooker Drain through the existing stormwater management system.
- Approved a multi-channel visitor information services model, focused on ambassador training, community visitor kiosks, and online resources and to discontinue the use of the Tomato Visitor Information Booth as a centre for visitor information services. Council will receive renderings of designs for a reimagined and reconstructed Tomato on the property where the Tomato is currently located. The Tomato will remain in place until a new design has been chosen.
- Entered into a 29-week agreement between Erie St. Clair Local Health Integrated Network (ESC LHIN) and the Municipality of Leamington for the use of the Locker Room Lounge at the Leamington Kinsmen Recreation Complex for the Grow Your Own- Personal Support Worker (PSW) Program. The program is 29 weeks and includes a four week Home Support Worker (HSW) Program in which the students are paid by their employer. The PSW program continues after the HSW program and tuition is sponsored by the employer. The program begins in October.
- Directed Administration to draft an inclusive Proclamation and Flag Raising policy that adheres to specific criteria of which groups/organizations may be recognized by the Municipality.
- Retained Michael Mitchell to prepare a report evaluating the current level of policing being received by the Municipality by researching all available statistical information and enforcement indicators, examining police services in other municipalities of a similar size for workload indicators, and interviewing relevant parties to evaluate the level of policing being received by the Municipality.
- Approved the submission of the 2020 County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) applications for Talbot St. W. (County Rd. 34) and County Rd. 33 for facilities to connect bike lanes on Talbot St. East to paved shoulders on County Rd. 34 and for future paved shoulders on County Rd. 34 from 200m west of County Rd. 33 to 200m east of County Rd. 33, for Point Pelee Drive (County Rd. 33) to change the paved shoulders to multi-use trail, and the functional design of the multi-use trail section from bridge at Sturgeon Creek to Mersea Rd 12.
To receive further information, please refer to the Municipality of Leamington Council Agenda and Minutes at