Ice storm cleanup in Leamington
As a result of the recent ice storm, the Municipality of Leamington has commenced a one-time roadside collection of downed branches.
Leamington residents can place downed branches roadside for collection without blocking the road, sidewalks, or driveways. Branches on private property, from privately owned trees with limbs that are too large to bring to the curb, will be the responsibility of the resident to have removed from their property.
Residents are asked not to bundle or place branches in a yard waste bag or container, as municipal staff will be using a chipper to shred branches.
Due to the number of downed branches throughout the rural and urban areas of the Municipality, cleanup efforts could take several days to weeks to complete.
Alternatively, downed branches can be dropped off at one of the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority drop-off depots. Size restrictions apply. For further details, visit