Leamington Council Approves Extension of Financial Relief Measures in Response to COVID-19
At a meeting held July 14, 2020, Leamington Council further extended financial relief measures to help residents and businesses manage the impacts of COVID-19. The move follows Council’s previous decisions to waive all penalties and interest charges on municipal payments since March 25, 2020.
Financial relief measures reflect the Municipality’s concern for the community’s well-being and economic condition. These measures include:
- Waiving all penalties and interest on any overdue account balances (including property tax, water and waste water, and other accounts) through to and including September 30, 2020.
- Waiving all returned cheque or electronic payment fees through to and including September 30, 2020.
For questions about property taxes, please contact the Tax Office at 519-326-5761 or taxes@leamington.ca.
For more information on COVID-19 planning and preparations by the Municipality of Leamington, please visit: leamington.ca/COVID19.