Municipality Seeking Members of the Public for Evaluation Committee – Request for Proposals for Police Services
The Municipality of Leamington is looking for members of the public to serve on a Committee established to evaluate proposals submitted in response to a Request for Proposals to provide Police Services to the Municipality.
The Committee will be comprised of:
- Mike Mitchell of MPM Consulting, who shall be the Chair of the Committee
- Two (2) members of the public
- Two (2) members of Council
Committee members will evaluate submitted proposals by undertaking a thorough analysis of each to support a comprehensive, comparative evaluation. The Committee shall identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of each component of each proposal which will result in the preparation of final report by MPM Consulting to Council.
Persons with experience critically analyzing complex documents or proposals are encouraged to apply.
Meetings will be held as needed in order to fulfill the Committee’s mandate. It is expected that a maximum of five (5) meetings will be held through Zoom for this purpose.
A full copy of the Committee’s Terms of Reference and Application Forms are available on the Municipality’s website For more information, please contact Ruth Orton, Director of Legal and Legislative Services at 519-326-5761 or email at
The application deadline for this Committee is Friday, October 16, 2020.