New Vision for Uptown Leamington
The Municipality of Leamington is excited to announce a new vision for its uptown core. The vision showcases an exciting place for citizens and businesses with all the amenities of an urban lifestyle – from a boutique hotel and residences, to shops and pedestrian friendly greenspace.
Uptown revitalization was identified as one of the main values articulated by Council during the strategic planning session held in January 2015.
A local artist has provided an artistic rendering that displays one possible vision for uptown revitalization; however, the Municipality will seek public input for alternative concepts to help shape the future development of Leamington’s uptown core.
“This is an important step forward in the regeneration of our uptown," said Mayor John Paterson. “We envision a vibrant bustling neighbourhood where people can experience unique shops, restaurants, and entertainment," added Mayor Paterson, noting a similarity between the Municipality’s waterfront vision.
While some of the concepts will require private investment, some of the concepts could be implemented quickly, inexpensively, and on a trial basis to achieve an immediate impact.
“Leamington recognizes the importance of connecting the plan to develop our waterfront to the revitalization of our uptown core. Creating a tourist destination at the waterfront and creating bike lanes and pedestrian friendly walkways between the waterfront and the uptown will help draw people to entertainment, restaurants and commercial services provided by our uptown merchants, changing how people experience Leamington,” said Peter Neufeld, Chief Administrative Officer.
Through the engagement of a consultant, public input will be sought regarding both the Waterfront Development Concepts released in 2015 as well as, and in conjunction with public input regarding the Uptown Revitalization Concepts.
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For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Kelly Sfetkidis, Communications Officer at 519-326-5761 ext. 1117 or
Attachment: Artist’s Concept – Enhanced Leamington Core