Notice of Passing of By-law 55-18, located at 910 Mersea Road 12
At the Public Meeting on September 10, 2018, Council approved the severance of a 0.219 hectare (0.542 acre) surplus dwelling lot from the existing farm at 910 Mersea Rd 12. By-law 55-18 was passed to rezone the severed surplus dwelling lot from Agricultural General (A1) to Site-Specific Agricultural Residential (A5-57) to recognize the reduction in the required minimum frontage.
Council also approved a lot addition measuring 0.164 hectares (0.406 acres) from the farm at 910 Mersea Road 12, to the rear of the residential lot at 912 Mersea Road 12. By-law 55-18 rezoned the severed parcel from Agricultural General (A1) to Agricultural Residential (A5). Additionally, the retained farm parcel was rezoned to a Site-Specific Agricultural General (A1-15) to prohibit residential uses and structures.