Notice of Project Commencement – Pelee Bevel Sanitary Sewer System
The Municipality of Leamington has commenced sanitary sewer construction along Point Pelee Drive, with construction activities along Bevel Line Road commencing on October 9, 2016. Please note that access to local businesses and residents will be maintained during construction.
Why: This work is being conducted to resolve the issue of raw sewage discharging into the watercourse.
What: Work will involve the construction of new sanitary gravity trunk sewers, forcemains, pump stations and watermain upgrades.
When: Construction commenced August 22, 2016 occurring Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and is expected to be completed July 31, 2017.
Where: Construction will take place on the following streets:
- Bevel Line Road
- Point Pelee Drive
- Mersea Road C
- Ellis Street
Who: J & J Lepara Infrastructures Inc. will be acting as the Municipality’s contractor, in partnership with the Municipality’s consultant, Dillon Consulting.
Contact Information:
For further information about this project, please contact the Municipality’s Engineering Project Manager Gaspare Graziano at 519-326-5761 ext. 1303 or visit
Attachment: Pelee Bevel Construction Detour Map