Temporary Suspension of Leamington to Windsor (LTW) Transit Service Extended
As a result of the temporary suspension of service from Transit Windsor, the Leamington to Windsor (LTW) Transit service suspended operations on Saturday, March 28, 2020.
The suspension of operations has now been extended to at least Friday, May 1, 2020.
This is an evolving situation, and we will continue to update residents as new information becomes available.
Leamington Transit services within the urban area of Leamington will continue operations until further notice.
More Info on COVID-19 and the Municipality of Leamington:
- Visit www.leamington.ca/COVID-19 for the latest information on adjusted municipal services.
- For general information on municipal services or to request a service, please call 519-326-5761 between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday or report an issue online anytime at www.leamington.ca/reportanissue.
- Visit the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit for information on the latest health advice, community restrictions and guidelines, and other information on COVID-19.