First Aid and Safety Training

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First Aid and Safety Training

Stay prepared with the essential skills and knowledge needed to stay safe, respond to emergencies, and care for others with confidence. Our First Aid and Safety Training programs offer comprehensive courses for individuals of all ages, including Standard First Aid, the Babysitting Course, and the Stay Safe! program.

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Programs Offered:

 First Aid

Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid/CPR C-AED

Standard First Aid provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid and CPR. It incorporates all components of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid, including the legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, chest injuries, and medical emergencies.


Includes 3 year Standard First Aid/CPR C-AED certification.

 Red Cross Babysitting Course

The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course has been refreshed and revised, now with a greater emphasis on First Aid skills. The course covers everything from managing difficult behaviours to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. It will deepen and enhance the sense of responsibility that older youth feel when caring for younger children.

Course Content Includes:

  • How to feed, diaper, dress, and play with children and babies
  • How to recognize and prevent unsafe situations
  • First Aid skills
  • Information on children's developmental stages and specific strategies for each stage
  • The business of babysitting

Participants will be provided with a Babysitter's Manual and a certificate.


  • Check, call, care (includes phoning EMS/911)
  • Glove removal
  • Recovery position
  • Conscious choking (adult/child/baby/alone)
  • CPR (baby/child)
  • Illness, asthma (includes use of inhaler and spacer)
  • Anaphylaxis (includes use of EpiPen)
  • Poisoning, insect stings, wound care (i.e. minor cuts and scrapes, splinters, nosebleeds, burns and bruises, life-threatening bleeding)
  • Head, neck, and back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Seizures

Please bring a doll or teddy bear to the course to practice skills.

 Red Cross Stay Safe!

The Stay Safe! program offers basic first aid and safety skills for youth aged 9-13. Participants learn how to stay safe when they are without the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or trusted adult, both at home and in their communities.

Course Content Includes:

  • The importance of setting and following rules when on your own
  • How to stay safe at home and within the community
  • How to prepare for, recognize, and respond to unexpected situations, and basic first aid skills

Participants will be provided with a Workbook and a Completion Certificate.






© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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