Pedestrian Crossings

Cross Walk

Pedestrian Crossings

Prior to January 1, 2016, and in the absence of a common provincial standard, a variety of configurations of signs and pavement markings for uncontrolled pedestrian crossings were installed in many Ontario municipalities, including Leamington.  The Municipality installed “Courtesy Crossings” at a number of locations.

The Ministry of Transportation regulates all pedestrian crossings in the province Ontario, please visit the Pedestrian Safety webpage to learn the rules, penalties, and tips for pedestrian crossings.

Pedestrian Crossovers (PXOs)
Pedestrian Crossovers (PXOs) are new to Ontario as a result of a law that was introduced under Bill 31: Making Ontario's Road Safer Act on January 1, 2016. This law allows municipal road authorities to install PXOs on low-speed and low-volume roads.

On or about the same time, Leamington Municipal Council approved an Active Transportation Master Plan which provides locations for on-and-off-road pedestrian and bicycle usage, such as recreational trails and on-road bicycle lanes. Many of the locations recommended for on-road bicycle facilities are adjacent to the locations of pedestrian crossings. Accordingly, the designs of the pedestrian crossings took into account the recommended Active Transportation Plan facilities at, or in the vicinity of, the PXO locations.   

The recommended PXO configurations include pavement markings, signage, and street lighting at all locations. Amber flashing lights will also be included at some locations. 

                                          Image of Pedestrian Cross Over

Image courtesy of: The Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

Remember:  Pedestrians have the right-of-way!  Drivers and cyclists must yield to pedestrians.  Everyone is responsible to understand and follow the rules of the road as they move through a PXO.

Pedestrians Crossover Locations in Leamington                         

  • Elliott Street at the trail crossing
  • Erie Street North at the trail crossing
  • Fader at Lamarsh (Hospital)
  • Hazelton Street at the trail crossing
  • Hodgins Street at the trail crossing
  • John Street at the trail crossing
  • Mersea Road 3 at the trail crossing
  • Pulford Avenue at the trail crossing
  • Queens Avenue at the trail crossing
  • Robinson Road at the trail crossing
  • Robson Road at Erie Shores Golf Course
  • Robson Road at Monarch Roundabout
  • Seacliff Drive East at the trail crossing
  • Seacliff Drive East at Regatta Drive crossing
  • Sherk Street at Ellison Avenue crossing
  • Smith Avenue at the trail crossing
  • Talbot Street West at Queens Avenue crossing
  • Wilkinson Drive at the trail crossing


Crossing Guards

Keeping children safe is a priority for the Municipality. School crossing guards are present during school arrival and dismissal times to assist students and pedestrians in crossing the street.

Be aware, be patient, be courteous. Keep our pedestrians safe.

 School Crossing Guards Locations
Please refer to student schedules for school start and end times.


Lutsch Avenue at Elizabeth Crescent

Oak Street East at Wigle Street

Wigle Street at Maxon

Sherk Street at Ellison Avenue

Nicholas Street at Ellison Avenue

Danforth Avenue at Alderton Street

Ellison Avenue at Orchard Heights

Talbot Street East and Lutsch Avenue

If you notice that the school crossing guard is not present at their location during one of their shifts, please contact the By-law Enforcement Officer at 519-326-5761 extension 1107. Leave the date, time and location where the guard was not present.

 What should I do if I see a motorist disobey the school crossing guard?
The Municipality works closely with the Ontario Provincial Police Service and the individual schools to ensure that pedestrians are able to cross municipal streets safely with the assistance of a school crossing guard.

If you notice a motorist disobeying a school crossing guard (i.e. proceeding through the crossing when the guard had the stop sign raised), try and record the following information:

  1. vehicle license plate number
  2. make, model and colour of the vehicle
  3. description of the driver

Send this information to By-law Enforcement. We will then forward the information to the Ontario Provincial Police.

Want to be a School Crossing Guard?
 Check out our Municipal Jobs page for postings.


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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