Road-Sidewalk Closures
Temporary Road or Sidewalk Closures for Special Events
If you would like your event to take place on a municipal roadway or sidewalk, you must identify this on your Special Event Application. Events requiring road closures will require the granting of a Temporary Road Closure Permit.
The Municipality requires adequate time to review the request, coordinate detour routes with emergency services, and request advance warning signage through the Municipality's traffic division (when required).
Closing a road for an event is a complex process involving and affecting many people. The Municipality needs to know which road or sidewalk you wish to close for your event in order to determine availability and prevent scheduling conflicts with other events/activities. As the use of roadways is extended to all members of the public, the Municipality has an obligation to prioritize public safety when closing down roads to ensure that the rest of the public can safely keep moving/operating while various events are taking place.
The Municipality will make the final determination as to whether an event that takes place on the road is to be deemed either a full closure (no vehicular access is permitted on the roadway during the event); or a lane closure (occupying one lane of a roadway while maintaining traffic in all directions).
Note: Road closure changes cannot be made to your closure/route without notification to the Municipality.
Access to Existing Infrastructure
Unless otherwise permitted, access to all public areas within an event site (play structures, splash pads, permanent washroom facilities, etc.) shall remain available to the public at all times during an event.