Boat Ramp & Fishing Services


Boat Launch

Known as one of the best fishing areas in Ontario, the Leamington Marina is home to several fishing charters and fishing events throughout the season. Each year, starting mid-April, all launch passes will be available for sale at the Marina office. 

Daily, Week or Weekend Launch Passes

These passes do not require an application form to be completed. For daily, week, or weekend passes please stop in at the main Marina office to get the appropriate stickers for your trailer. 

Daily Launch Pass          $16.50 - Includes 1 in and 1 out plus 1 overnight parking

Weekend Launch Pass   $50.00 - Includes 1 in and 1 out plus parking for 2 nights (Fri-Sat or Sat-Sun)

Week Launch Pass         $80.00 - Includes 1 in and 1 out; up to 7 days (Does not include daily launches)

 Seasonal Launch Passes

These passes require a valid year sticker to be visible on the trailer hitch. To purchase a seasonal or senior ramp pass complete the form below and we will have your pass at the office when you come into the marina.

Seasonal Ramp Pass       $190.00 - Includes unlimited use of the boat ramp during the season

Senior Ramp Pass           $160.00 - Includes unlimited use of the boat ramp during the season, 60+

 Ramp Pass Application

Boat Launch Policy and Season Regulations 

The launch ramps are generally very busy on weekends. We ask for your cooperation to please launch or load your boat quickly and safely as others are waiting. Do not moor your boat to the launch ramp dock or wash your boat at the launch area.

If you require overnight parking please inquire at the main office before launching. The appropriate pass must be visible in, or on, your vehicle. Parking of vehicle and trailer are permitted in designated areas only; there are no refunds if the boat leaves the harbour due to inclement weather.

If you arrive prior to the manned hours please leave a note on your dash and pay upon departure. Failure to pay will be an infraction and your vehicle may be towed. If you launch regularly, it is recommended to purchase a Seasonal Pass. Multiple day passes will not be credited towards a seasonal pass.

Various options for launch passes are available. Only one pass is issued per application form. The pass is for the registered owner of the boat and trailer. Loaning of launch passes is not permitted. This will be a violation if the launch pass does not match your trailer plate or registered boat number as stated in your application.

There is no fishing in the marina basin during the boating season. Fish trimmings must be disposed of. Do not place in dumpsters or garbage bins as only household garbage is allowed. All other garbage must be taken home. 

Do not dock in seasonal slips without first inquiring at the ramp hut or the main office. If you have a seasonal dock and launch a second watercraft you will be expected to pay the appropriate fee. Two sea-doo on one trailer will be charged as one daily launch.

We are not responsible for accidents, injuries nor loss of valuables of any kind.

Severe or repeated infractions of any of the above rules and regulations may result in expulsion from the marina. 


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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