Heritage Leamington

Heritage Landing

Why Heritage Matters

A historic place can be a structure, building, group of buildings, district, landscape, archaeological site or even traditions and artifacts. The heritage value associated with these places can be physical, historic, contextual, scientific, cultural, social, or spiritual. Meaning that a place can be significant due to its age, originality, architecture, or association with a person or event of historical importance. Heritage conservation can have several potential benefits to a community such as environmental, economic, cultural and tourism.

Preserving the heritage within a community fosters civic identity and pride because it draws attention to the history and culture of a community. With a complete register, listing both urban and rural properties, the municipality will be better able to develop a plan that promotes economic development and community building, all while protecting the local heritage of an area.

 Public Information Open House

The LMHAC has hosted three Public Information Open Houses, two in the fall of 2015 and the third on August 9, 2018. The purpose of the open houses was to provide interested residents, as well as owners of current and potential heritage properties with information about the Ontario Heritage Act, the purpose of the Register of Heritage Properties and provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding the risks and levels of heritage protection. The tools that were provided could be used to help identify and protect cultural heritage within the Municipality of Leamington. 

For more information on the open houses, please see the display boards provided below.

Public Information Open House Displays


Municipality of Leamington
111 Erie Street North,
Leamington, Ontario, N8H 2Z9

© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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