By-law Enforcement
By-law Enforcement
The By-law Enforcement Division is committed to the delivery of professional by-law enforcement in a timely and effective manner. Our mandate is to achieve compliance with municipal by-laws; through education, mediation and as necessary through enforcement and prosecution. Our primary goals are to ensure public safety and to maintain community standards which contribute to improving the quality of life in Leamington.
By-law Enforcement staff are also a valuable resource for residents and the community. You can call and speak with someone if you have questions or concerns about municipal by-laws or other enforcement issues.
Section 4.2 Greenhouse Light Abatement By-law Compliance Submission |
Section 4.2 of By-law 41-22, being a by-law requiring the abatement of interior greenhouse light (the “By-law) (available here) indicates that on or before October 1, 2022, an Owner of a Greenhouse that utilizes Lights but has not, by such date, installed Curtains on the ceiling of the Greenhouse in accordance with section 4(c), shall submit to the Director, in a form and in the manner as determined by the Director in his or her sole discretion, the following: (a) evidence that Owner shall be in a position to install and maintain Curtains on the ceiling of the Greenhouse in accordance with section 4(c) on or before October 1, 2023; or (b) a declaration that section 5 of this By-law shall not apply as the Lights in the Greenhouse shall be shut off and remain off. Note: Capitalized words within this online form have the same meaning as within the By-law. Please complete and submit a separate online form for every municipal address or tax roll number related to each Greenhouse.
Section 4.2 Greenhouse Light Abatement By-law Compliance Submission